Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Evaluation - Question 2.

How does the media product represent particular social groups?

It is hard to immediately spot a specific social group represented in our opening scene as all the acting is done by people that are teenagers that would not look like this if it was a professionally made opening scene as the actors would be older and properly acted out. The victim is representing a typical girl planning  night in between the ages of 18-21. She will come across fairly vulnerable, care free and naive yet outgoing as you see her on the phone chatting to her friend, she is completely unaware of what is going on around her which represents how a vast majority of young girls are today, with the back door unlocked as she is going upstairs to have a bath it shows her carelessness similar to mot teenage girls. The way she acts calm and excited about the evening ahead is exactly how most girls that age would be acting at the weekend however the difference is the situation the victim is about to find herself in is not something that happens often, portraying the lack of awareness and safety teenage girls can put themselves in.
On the other hand you have the murderer, a completely different character. The straight away response to the murderers entrance is that she is a dark and mysterious. The costume worn by the murderer, a long black coat and a trilby creates a ambience or atmosphere where we might subconsciously feel scared or threatened by them. As the person playing the murderer is a girl who is 17 we've chosen to not show as much of her face as possible so that the character is taken more seriously and made to be more mysterious suiting what we are trying to portray her to be. 
However i genrally feel that the main social group portrayed is young girls and the nativity and carelessness the show to a variety of people in situation where it can possibly effect them immensely.

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